Renovating Your Home the Healthy Way
We all want to make homes that reflect the type of lives that we want to live. Everyone desires to live a healthy life. Therefore, whenever you are renovating your home, you must prioritize the areas that touch on healthy living. Here are a few health considerations when renovating your home.
Keeping Plumbing Fixtures & Appliances Watertight
Make sure that there are no leaks from plumbing fixtures and appliances. Such leaks can lead to water damage that can cause serious health problems. They also create a conducive environment for the breeding of mosquitoes and flies, to name just a few.
Cleaning the Home Garden & Backyard
The home garden in most homes is a breeding place for mosquitoes, flies, and other disease-causing organisms while the backyard is the hiding place for rodents. You need to consider these areas seriously, whenever you are planning to renovate your home. Get the right machines for maintaining your home garden, for instance. These machines include ride-on mowers, chainsaws, and hedge trimmers. Keep your backyard clutter free.
Keeping Your Home Well Ventilated
Repair your windows and doors and make sure that your home is well ventilated when you do your renovation. A well-ventilated home has a continuous supply of fresh air. This reduces the risk of catching respiratory diseases such as asthma.
Keeping Your Home Well Lit
Children and the elderly are prone to injuries at home. These injuries come from falls most of the times, mainly due to poor lighting in the homestead. To prevent these injuries, install nightlights to ensure that every area of your homestead is well lit at night.
Keeping Dust Under Control
Plan to do away with dust at home once and for all. You cannot eliminate it completely, but you can reduce it to a great extent. For instance, if you have carpeted floors, consider replacing them with wood or tiles. Additionally, make sure that you have a proper vacuum cleaner and vacuum your home at least twice a week. If your home is dusty, there will always be complaints of allergies and respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis.
Having a Smoking Zone
You may find it necessary to have a smoking zone in your home compound if a majority of the members of your family are smokers. You want to keep air pollutants out of your home at all costs. If none of your family members is a smoker, you should ban smoking around your home compound
Keeping Your Home Dry
As you renovate your home, make sure that there are no stagnant pools of water anywhere around the homestead. Additionally, make sure that there are no cracks or holes in the foundation of your houses. This will keep your home moisture-free, which keeps pests and diseases at bay.
Managing Waste
You cannot forget waste disposal and management as you plan to renovate your home. If you use a septic tank, for instance, make sure that it is pumped out once every three years. If you have pets, make sure that their waste is disposed of in the right manner.
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